Sales Masters Training


Hiring a sales trainer has numerous benefits for both the individual and the organization. For the individual, it can help enhance their selling skills, grow in their career, and become more self-confident.

For the organization, it can lead to higher sales revenue, improved customer satisfaction, and a more motivated sales team.

As a veteran sales trainer with 20+ years of experience, Ricelli Mordecai can provide valuable insights and techniques to help salespeople overcome common challenges, such as objection handling and closing deals. In addition, she will help improve communication and collaboration between sales and other departments, leading to a more cohesive and successful company overall.

Investing in the SALES MASTERS TRAINING program is a smart choice for anyone looking to boost their sales performance and drive business success, therefore becoming a sales-driven RESTORATION COMPANY!

"I have always said that everyone is in sales. Maybe you don't hold the title of salesperson, but if the business you are in requires you to deal with people, you, my friend, are in sales." Zig Ziglar

Sales Masters Training Information

Sales Masters is a 2-month full training program (2 full days live training) + 7 weekly follow-up Zoom calls with participants.

This intense and information-packed program will help create a common language for the team, from personality types to phases of the Peak Communication Model. The purpose is to increase sales by helping every team member embrace their role in the sales process.

SALES MASTERS is a detailed sales training course, founded upon strong communication drives and motivation, that strengthens individuals through three essential components to communication success:

  1. Willingness of the prospect: the ability to encourage, influence and drive collaboration.

  2. Emotional language: identifying the personality type of the prospect to speak the “language” they better understand to nudge behavior in the right direction.

  3. Communication process: structure the interaction in a collaborative way that will increase efficiency and AGREEMENT gaining.

Through live/online facilitator-led workshops, coaching sessions, and accountability follow-ups – Sales Masters will encourage and deliver an environment conducive to the learning experience.

Here is the breakdown of the training:
Personal Development for Paradigm Shift

1. 10 Differentiators for Success – Individuals will be encouraged to look inward at their core values

2. Filter of Success – Participants will be guided on how to “filter” their intention on projects they might be stuck on and learn how to get “unstuck”.

3. Personality Assessment and Emotional Fuel – Covering 4 key personality types in a fun and engaging way, participants will understand who they are and the key motivators to drive their performance. They will also learn how to quickly identify the personality type of their prospects to take their AGREEMENT GAINING to the next level.

4. Peak Model – For Communication and Sales – Participants will learn a simple 5-step formula to communicate their ideas and get buy-ins from anyone they come across.

The first day is designed for all team members with the purpose of having each one of them embrace the part they play within the sales cycle and establish a culture of sales-driven individuals.

The second day is for the business development team. During this part of the training, we will go over the specifics and numbers to create and manage an efficient, successful, and data-driven sales campaign.

· Marketing vs. sales

· Associations and social events – where, how, when, why, who

· Social media engagement

· Biz Dev responsibilities

· Creation/personalization of the sales cycle

· Market segments and specific message to each

· Route creation

· Ops role in capturing information relevant to the sales /business development

· CRM – how to manage your contacts

· Teach a process for Hiring, Onboarding, and Coaching sales A-Players